Ignore this business advice if you do not want to be Successful.
Do you own a business?
Do you really know how your business is doing and how it compares to competitors?
Do you only really use your financial information for calculating taxes owed to government?
You likely participate in the financial results ritual where you take your information to your accountant who calculates your income and tells you how much you owe to the government. You then take the papers you were given, place them in a file folder, drawer or elsewhere and you get on with the next year.
Hidden in those financial results are some gold nuggets and diamonds in the rough but you just buried them again.
An annual event by many business owners who allow their business to manage them rather than managing their business.
You may not realize it but there is a wealth of business management information hiding in your financial results.If you want to ignore what your financial information tells you about past performance (good or bad), trends, business management results and areas for improvement among other things then just keep doing things the way that you have been doing.
If you want to do better then hire Connect Live CPAs to prepare your
Business Health Checkup report.
Connect Live will analyze your business results to identify, highlight and recommend areas for improvement as well as recognizing the strengths in your business.
Using ratio, trend and comparative analysis Connect Live will prepare a report analyzing your financial results including comparison to industry and market trends and then providing recommendations on ways to strengthen your operational and financial results.
Our 30 years of accounting/operational experience allows us to provide insights that will allow you to target areas for improvement and also to highlight what you are doing well and should continue doing.
Our fee includes the following:
- Utilizing your financial data and the information from a questionnaire customized for your business we will prepare a report specific to your interests.
- Multi year financial analysis of key ratios and trends of your business including profitability, liquidity, solvency and efficiency rations
- Comparison to industry benchmarks to see how you stack up to your competitors
- Insight and highlighting of areas of concern and for improvement
- Recommendations on ways to improve your business results through operational, management and financial changes
- Monitoring metrics to allow you to track your results in implementing changes to make your business more successful.
- A consultation with our CPA’s to review/explain the results
- Upon receipt of your order we will implement the analysis process by setting up a secure portal for you to upload the required financial information from your business records. Your information is secure and confidential at all times.
- As our analysis progresses we will ask questions of clarification or information gathering that will provide us with a better understanding of your situation and results.
- Connect Live will prepare a draft report for your approval including the contents of the analysis and proposed areas and methods for improvement
- Upon final approval of the document Connect Live will issue the final report including appendices.
Get started today by ordering your Business Health Checkup package!
For a limited time only we are offering your Business Health Checkup for only $150 which is a savings of 40% of our regular price of $250.